观看记录 清空
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    • 明星
    2.0 HD




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    An unkown entity has hacked into a Soviet missile and aimed it at the United States. With just minutes before Mutually Assured Destruction, an American military industrialist and a Soviet nuclear commander race against the clock to prevent a nation from nuclear annihilation. Unbeknownst to them his threat is just the beginning of an even bigger crisis - one that will change the course of history forever. Blackmark is the first feature length film to tackle the Cold War from the perspective of the military industrial complex. The film is an origin story, showing the massive power and influence these companies have had over the course of modern history. Its a genre-defying, high-tension thriller in the vein of Michael Mann and Neal Stephenson, steeped in the paranoia and fear of global politics, reminiscent of classic thrillers Seven Days in May and The Hunt for Red October.


    • 2.0 HD中字 妻之告白 若尾文子,川口浩,小泽荣太郎,马渕晴子
    • 5.0 HD 捍卫家园 杰奎琳·托博尼,迈克尔·奥尼尔,泰勒·贾克布·摩尔,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,肖恩·奥布赖恩,BlakeSheldon,TannerThomason,GregPerrow
    • 3.0 HD中字 还魂 梁祖仪,Joey,Leong,郑佩佩,曾江,梁凯迪,
    • 3.0 完结 鬼牌游戏 北原里英,高月彩良,小池唯,大久保祥太郎,白又敦,根岸拓哉,吉田まどか,兼尾瑞穂,秋月三佳,横滨流星,溝口琢矢,伊仓爱美
    • 4.0 正片 野雀 SophiaTakal,LawrenceMichaelLevine,AliaShawkat
    • 7.0 HD中字 绝命圣诞夜 约翰·库萨克,John,Cusack,比利·鲍伯·松顿,Lara,Phillips
    • 10.0 HD 京都妖怪地图3烏山上800岁的女大学生 富田靖子,柳原晴郎,伊东四朗,小松政夫,三矢歌子,内田朝雄
    • 6.0 超清 狼拳 马尔万·肯扎里,雷蒙德·提哈瑞,ChemseddineAmar,CahitÖlmez,BoMaerten
    • 4.0 HD中字 阿琳娜 Amalia,Holm,Molly,Nutley,Felice,Jankell,Rebecka,Nyman
    • 1.0 HD中字 驯鹿游戏 本·阿弗莱克,查理兹·塞隆,加里·西尼斯,保拉·肖,阿什顿·库彻,丹尼斯·法里纳,雅各布·鲁普,恩卡·奥库玛,唐纳尔·罗格,詹姆斯·弗莱恩,Blair,Slater,罗恩·杰里米,艾萨克·海耶斯,丹尼·特雷霍,Douglas,Arthurs,阿隆索·奥亚祖恩,Dana,Stubblefield,克兰伦斯·威廉姆斯三世,Don,S.,Williams,赫罗斯加·马修斯,詹姆斯·赫特森,Larry,Lam,安娜·哈根,David,Jacox,朗尼·查普曼
    • 3.0 正片 我在你床下 高良健吾,西川可奈子,安部賢一,三河悠冴
    • 10.0 第4集 女教师 金荷娜,李源根,刘仁英,金秀珍,权秀贤,洪万彪,林华映,郑锡勇,安晟敏


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